Saturday, December 12, 2009

2010 Driver Pick sheets Top 35 list

I thought I'd get an early start getting the pick list sorted out. There's a link on the sidebar to a printable copy for 2010. It may get updated with car numbers but all the drivers are there.

Good Luck!

2010 Driver Groups

Monday, November 23, 2009

Final Race

Well gang, the results are finally official at Nascar so I can post the final standings for this year. It's been fun once again and I hope everyone comes back next year.

The only change in position is No-Howe was able to pass 68 Barracuda for 4th place and Cameron got by Dave for 6th place.

Thanks once again for everyone who played, see ya next year!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Phoenix race

Well there we go; one race down, one to go. Nothing has changed in the Top 5 standings. Good luck to everyone for the final race of the season!

'til next week...

Monday, November 9, 2009


Well I finally got booted out of second place. Mr. Rogers snuck by with a 19 pt lead. Rick & Ruth have almost a hundred point lead!

No-Howe clawed his way back into the Top 5 with the low score of the race. Good for him! 2 races left, see ya next week.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Talledega SuperSmashway

What a stupid race. Jamie McMurray?!? WTF's with that?

Anyway, No-Howe had a bad week and got kicked off the Island. He lost 2 places with the high score of the week, unfortunately.

3 races to go and it's looking like we have a new Winner this year. Rick & Ruth have an 88 point advantage. Damn near impossible to overcome.

So the race has come down to who comes in second. There's only 34 points between 2nd, 3rd and 4th making this one of the tightest races that we've had. Who'll come out on top?

'til next week...

Monday, October 26, 2009


Hi all, I don't have a lot of time tonight but I thought I'd get the results up. There doesn't appear to be any changes in order for the Top 5.

C'ya next week...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sim Racing Cockpit

I thought I'd show off the new cockpit I made for sim racing! Let me know what you think.
Click on the picture for a bigger version.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Charlotte 500

Yeah, I know, it's not called Charlotte anymore...

Well things are getting a little more interesting. 68 Barracuda has pulled down the low score 3 times in the last 5 races. Unfortunately for him, Rick & Ruth also got low score so he didn't make up any points on them.

Tex and Mr. Rogers had so-so races so they both lost points to their nearest rivals. No-Howe had a bit of a stinker result but is still hanging on to 5th place with Milk Man hot on his heels.

We're now down to the last 5 races of the season to determine who gets the honour of bragging for 2 months (or thereabouts)!

'til next week...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pepsi 500

Still the same Top 5 duking it out.

I have to say, I'm impressed with the staying power of No-Howe. After being perennial back markers for the last few years, they've finally found a (hopefully) winning combination.

They're not out of trouble yet, though. I think there's a couple of other people who could sneak into the Top 5, but they'd have to really start pulling some good numbers.

'til next week...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kansas 400

First place is mine again by one point! Close race! Oh, and Daryl got both lowest and highest score this week. That's something kinda special... :)

'til next week...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dover 400

Well, I got 13 of the 17 points back! :)

The rest of the Top 5 just got tighter in points. It's been a good race so far, can't wait to see how it ends (hopefully with me on top!).

Still early in the Nascar Chase but it sure looks like Hendrick Motorsports are gonna have another Championship. I'd pick Jimmie over Mark, just because JJ and Co. have done it the last three years but I guess Mark would be a sentimental favourite.

It'll be interesting to see who else steps up their game to take it to those two teams.

'til next week...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sylvania 300

Hi all. The race has been run, the points tabulated and the results are that I've been knocked off of the top of the podium! Rick & Ruth have taken over the top spot. Argh!!! Luckily they're only 17 points ahead of me so I should be able to get that back next week. ;)

'til next week...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chevy 400

It took Nascar extra long to make the race official for some reason. Especially since it was a Sat. nite race. Oh well, we're good to go now.

The results have been updated and posted. Mr. Rogers got a nice low score of 29 but unfortunately the other peeps in the T5 also had low scores. So the only one he moved out was 68 'Cuda. It's been a pretty tight points race so far, 10 more races to go!

'til next week...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Atlanta race results

That was kind of different having a race late Sunday night. Good race, overall. The race results have been posted.

We had kind of an unusual circumstance with this last race. Bobby Labonte usually runs in the 96 car but the team had a different driver in for the Atlanta race. But, Labonte also raced in another car, the 71 car. The rules are that we pick the driver so I scored the race results for Bobby Labonte as 18 points, rather than car 96's finishing position of 30th place.

I'm pretty sure that's the right call, apparently the team is going to replace Labonte a few other times this year so I'll score Bobby Labonte when he's running.

Oh, and how the hell did the Red Bull team change an axle without going a lap down?!? That was pretty crazy! You usually see a car out due to that, hell of a job!

'til next week...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bristol Race results

Hi all,

Saw the race, thought it was nothing too special. Too bad for Johnson, just goes to show you that you can't make any mistakes.

Standings are updated, I'm still in the lead, Yay!, but it's tightened right up now with less than 50 points seperating the Top 5.

Looks like we've got a week off while the junior series races in Montreal. That should be interesting...

'til next time...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sim racing

Myself and Mr. Earnhardt, along with a couple of other guys, get together most thursday nights and race against each other on the computers. We've set up our own 'championship' with race results and such.

If anyone is interested in the race results you can find them here:

Also, if anyone is maybe interested in joining us for some racing, let me know and we'll try and get you out for a night. It's not Nascar racing but it's still a whole hell of a lot of fun!

Michigan results

The Nascar results are official from Michigan, I've posted our pool results. I think this is the first time that one person has had both the low score and the high score in the same race! Congrats to Steve Thorpe for setting a new record. :)

'til next week...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Watkins Glen

Holy cow! What a freakin' hit Sam Hornish took. Sure glad everyone is okay after that wreck. It sure was spectacular.

The standings have been updated, sure wish I'd have picked Tony Stewart this year, he sure is on a roll. Think he'll be Champion this year? Sure looks like it.

Anyway, 'til next week...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pocono race

Sorry gang, forgot to post the updated results. Here they are...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Brickyard 400

That was a long day of racing!

I got up early in the morning to watch the F1 race. It was okay, usual stuff. Then I watched most of the BY400. The pre-race crap is getting freakin' crazy. What was it, something like 2 hrs before race? Too much...

Then I switched over to the Indy cars and watched the race in Edmonton. It was a pretty good race for the crapwagons. Someone needs to find a way to stop the friggin' Penske and Ganassi teams. They're the same in Indycars as Hendrick is in Cup. So damn dominate that they take all the fun out of it!

Overall it was a good day of racing!!

'til next week...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Chicago race

I thought that was a pretty good race. Seemed that there was quite a bit of action, passes for the lead and stuff.

What's even better is now I'm in the lead in the pool! :) I had a good week.

Standings have been posted. See ya next week...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Coke Zero race

Hey there,

Good ol' Daytona racing! Plate racing sucks because it's not about who's the best driver, it's about the best blocker and the 18 car paid the price for that.

I think this is the first time that one of the players who has two picks has been both the low and high score of the race!!! Way to go Steve! :)

'til next week...

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Hampshire race

Hey gang,

The standings have been updated. I missed the race this week. Guess Logano was gifted a win...

'til next week...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sonoma race

That was a days worth of racing! I started the day watching the F1 race first thing in the morning. Then I saw the Indycar race at 1 pm. Then I got to watch the Nascar boys fight it out at Sonoma.

Pretty damn good day of racing!

Results of the race have been posted. 'til next week...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Michigan results

Hey all,

Results have been posted, Mr. Earnhardt said the race was pretty good.

'til next week...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hi all,

I was out of town on the weekend, so again I missed the race. I've read a bit about it. Sounds like it might have beena bit of a snoozer. I hate fuel economy races.

The good news is that I had lowest score and I've now moved into second place! :) No-Howe drops out of the Top 5. Had a good run, hopefully his season turns around. He hasn't had much luck the past few years. ;)

Guess that's about all, 'til next week...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dover 400

I'm not having much luck catching any of the races this year but at least I'm getting the score updates done! :)

'til next week...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Southern 500

Guess Darlington is good for lots of cautions as well!

Results have been posted.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Richmond results

Hi gang,

Here are the results after Richmond. Sounds like it was pretty typical short track racing, lots of cautions and busted up cars!

'til next week...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

'Dega crashing

Wow, that was close. Glad to see that Edwards didn't go into the stands. That wouldn't have been any good.

It's always fun to see the boys tear up the cars in the "big ones" but you don't like to see the cars get up into the fencing near the spectators, that's for sure. Restrictor plate racing sucks at the best of times, Nascar is just lucky that no one was killed. I don't know what the fix is but they really need to do something to break the cars up a bit. Pack racing will end up killing a spectator sooner rather than later...

Anyway after all that, the standings have been updated. You know it was a weird race when the low score is a 76! So it's off to Richmond for this weekend and the start of May. Spring's in the air, here's hoping for some warmer weather.

'til next week...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Phoenix race

The standings have been updated. I never got a chance to watch the race so no comments this week.

'til next week...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sim racing

Well that was a blast! A group of us got together and did some sim racing. We don't have any nascar games so it's just road racing right now. We're playing GT Legends. It's a sim about the FIA championships so it's mostly European cars but there's lots of add-ons online which makes it that much more fun.

It covers the years 65-76 so there's lots of american muscle cars available. mostly from the trans-am type series. Mustangs, Camaros and Corvettes.

Always loved this paint job!

We've got headphones with mics on them and we recorded our race sessions. I've added a link if you want to have a good laugh at us having a good laugh! I do a lot of cursing so be forewarned, lol!!! Maybe if I did better I wouldn't swear so much? :) Link to audio clips

Here's one that's especially funny. Underwear

And finally another one of us right after a race. Race debrief

I found a way to capture the video so I'm going to try posting some of our race action. Should be fun, hope you enjoy it. If you do, leave a comment!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Texas results

Well Gordon finally won again, good for me! :) He's actually been pretty consistent this year. Hope his winning continues, now I just need some of my other drivers to start finishing better.

Mr. Rogers continues to hold the lead and I've finally made it back into the Top 5 after a long hiatus. We're still seeing a lot of changes in the standings as the season is still young. Next weekend is off and then we have 4 weeks straight. That should give us a good indication of who's going to be strong this year.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday, 'til next time...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The results are official for the race and our results have been posted. I received the new drivers picks from Dave so those picks have been updated as well. Dave went with Montoya instead of Kvapil and Eat My Dust picked Elliot Sadler.

'til next week...

Monday, March 23, 2009


Hey all,

The official results have been posted at so our standings have now been updated. Not too much to comment on. It looks like Travis Kvapil is out of a ride, so Eat my dust and Dave will have to pick a new driver as the #28 car is not running either. Let myself or Daryl know what the new picks are before the next race, please.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Hey all, the standings have been updated. I never got a chance to watch the race, so no comments other than what the hell was that crewmember thinking chasing that tire?!? Stupid ass...

'til next time...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Las Vegas

That was a strange ending to the race. That late race caution for Gordon's tire popping really screwed up a lot of drivers races. It really mixed up our standings as well. Easy to tell when the low score is 62! Anyway, everything is all updated and posted. We almost have a new Top 5 because of this race.

'til next week...

Monday, February 23, 2009

California 500

Well that was pretty uneventful. Kinda cool to see the guys smoking the tires at 180+ mph. I bet I could do that in my Neon........

speaking of, i've got a project log at cardomain for my Neon. Check it out, let me know what you think. I'm hoping to take it to some autocross competitions this summer as well as maybe hitting the dragstrip! Toronto Motorsport Park has a track day as well, that might be fun. I have all this time and money invested in this car, I might as well take advantage of it!

'til next week...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Hi gang,

Dave asked where the pickem's were so instead of just trying to post a link, I thought I'd show where they were in the results spreadsheet. :)

I just did a bunch of print screens to show the different steps, click on any of the pictures to get a larger view.

First, click on the link to the results page.

This should bring you to the results spreadsheet. If anyone has used excel before then this will be familiar. You can use the scroll bars, pointed out by the arrows, to view the results further down the page and to scroll over to see the low and high scores.

In order to see all of the other pages in the spreadsheet, notice that there is a row of tabs along the bottom of the page.

If you were to click on any of the tabs, you would be taken to that page. Right now we're on the 'Standings Summary' page. To find out who picked which driver, click on the 'Driver Picks' page.

Scroll up or down to see all of the results.

The tabs only go so far, though. To move over further, use the arrows in the corner of the page to move left or right. We'll find Dave's page and select it. When you click the single arrow, it moves over one page at a time; click the double arrow and you move all the way to the end.

Remember to use the scroll bars to see all the results within a page.

Hope I answered your question Dave...and oh yeah, I added a link to the Driver Picks. Make it easier to get to, thanks for the question!

Scoring change

There's been a scoring change because of the duplicate picks. Cameron has changed his 4th pick to the #26 car, McMurray.To get the updated points, click on the refresh button on your browser.

Monday, February 16, 2009

2009 Daytona 500

It's the start of the Nascar racing season!

Shame I missed the party, sounds like fun was had by all. If anybody took any pictures let me know and I'll post them here for everyone to see. :)

All of the paperwork is done and entered, we do have to get Cameron to get a hold of Daryl to change one of his picks. Minor details...

I did watch the race and thought it was pretty good. Sucks the way it ended. I hate rain-shortened races. What'cha gonna do though? Can't put grooved tires on and expect them to race, lol. That'd be funny!

I guess the economy hit us as well, we lost 10 people from last year. Too bad, but I hope everyone has fun following their picks this year.

Sure hope to see some more comments this year, it seems like I'm talking to myself most of the time!!!

Well that's about it, until next week...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

2009 Season start

Hi everyone,

I'm looking forward to getting started on the new season. The 2009 Driver Pick sheet is ready, click on this link for your copy.

If there are any errors or omissions, please let me know. Things are usually in a flux until Daytona starts and then we'll make sure that everything gets posted officially.

Good luck and have fun scoring your favourite drivers!