Tuesday, April 28, 2009

'Dega crashing

Wow, that was close. Glad to see that Edwards didn't go into the stands. That wouldn't have been any good.

It's always fun to see the boys tear up the cars in the "big ones" but you don't like to see the cars get up into the fencing near the spectators, that's for sure. Restrictor plate racing sucks at the best of times, Nascar is just lucky that no one was killed. I don't know what the fix is but they really need to do something to break the cars up a bit. Pack racing will end up killing a spectator sooner rather than later...

Anyway after all that, the standings have been updated. You know it was a weird race when the low score is a 76! So it's off to Richmond for this weekend and the start of May. Spring's in the air, here's hoping for some warmer weather.

'til next week...

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