Monday, February 16, 2009

2009 Daytona 500

It's the start of the Nascar racing season!

Shame I missed the party, sounds like fun was had by all. If anybody took any pictures let me know and I'll post them here for everyone to see. :)

All of the paperwork is done and entered, we do have to get Cameron to get a hold of Daryl to change one of his picks. Minor details...

I did watch the race and thought it was pretty good. Sucks the way it ended. I hate rain-shortened races. What'cha gonna do though? Can't put grooved tires on and expect them to race, lol. That'd be funny!

I guess the economy hit us as well, we lost 10 people from last year. Too bad, but I hope everyone has fun following their picks this year.

Sure hope to see some more comments this year, it seems like I'm talking to myself most of the time!!!

Well that's about it, until next week...

1 comment:

  1. looks like im off to a great year... lol. 1st and 2nd last! how do i see pic em's, or is that gone? good luck all.
