Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Atlanta race

Hi all,

Thought I'd throw something up here quickly about Atlanta. Seems to be more of the same here. The new car is still twitchy as hell and is producing some interesting opportunities out there. You know when the cars are sliding sideways off the turns that something is wrong. Blame goodyear, blame nascar but it sure makes it a little more interesting to watch! You never know if someone is going to wreck or not!

I'll say it for cowboy, "That damn Elliott Sadler!" :) That driver sure is costing us some points! Oh well, hopefully what goes around, comes around and his team starts to figure out that car.

I guess we're racing at Dover next. This should be interesting! Always lots of beatin' and bangin' going on there. I might be able to even stay awake thru the whole race, lol! ;)

'til next week...

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