Sunday, November 17, 2013

Final standings

Well, another season has come and gone. Congratulations to our winner, MexyCan and the 5 other players that will receive a prize. Thanks to Daryl for putting this together every year and thanks once again to all the people who take part in the Nascar Pool.

We hope that you've had fun keeping track of your favourite drivers throughout the season and hope that you'll be back for more next year.

I should have the drivers picks available just after New Years, once the drivers seats are somewhat settled and we know who will be racing.

Our final standings are:
1) MexyCan 2347
2) Bucked Up 2400
3) Mr. Rogers 2429
4) No-Howe 2468
5) Any-Howe 2482

6) Eat My Dust 2550

Please contact Daryl to claim your prize at 705-323-9732

'til next year!

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