Sunday, November 17, 2013

Final standings

Well, another season has come and gone. Congratulations to our winner, MexyCan and the 5 other players that will receive a prize. Thanks to Daryl for putting this together every year and thanks once again to all the people who take part in the Nascar Pool.

We hope that you've had fun keeping track of your favourite drivers throughout the season and hope that you'll be back for more next year.

I should have the drivers picks available just after New Years, once the drivers seats are somewhat settled and we know who will be racing.

Our final standings are:
1) MexyCan 2347
2) Bucked Up 2400
3) Mr. Rogers 2429
4) No-Howe 2468
5) Any-Howe 2482

6) Eat My Dust 2550

Please contact Daryl to claim your prize at 705-323-9732

'til next year!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Texas results

Hey lookie there, JJ wins again.  : \

That's getting almost as boring as F1 races...

Anyway, I've got the standings updated. I'm going to be away this coming up weekend so there won't be any updates but I'll be sure to get the standings updated for the last race of the season. It looks to me like the same Top 5 are going to finish in the Top 5. Not too sure about the order but there isn't anyone that can catch them, at this point.

There's certainly a race for the 6th position which pays out a free pass for next years pool and that's a bit of a tight race right now. Eat My Dust and Sassy Sammy 2 are within 5 points of each other so that can definitely go either way. The next player is more than 50 points back so that's the end of that.

I hope everyone had fun following their favourite driver this year and I hope that everyone returns for next years pool. I'll get the driver picks up probably around the start of the new year so people can start figuring out who to pick.  :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Talladega results

So a bit of a change in the standings, still the same 5 people but Buckled Up has moved into second place. Things are starting to get interesting. There's really only 55 points between 1st and 3rd. Still anyone's guess as to who's going to win this thing. Good to see it coming down to the wire. That always makes it more interesting!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Weekend update

Got a couple of races to catch up on. Down to the last 5 races of the year. Not much has changed in the standings but it's never over 'til it's over.

*edit: stupid webpage isn't working right. Won't let me update the standings. These are the current standings:

Oct 12, 13
1) MexyCan 2037
2) Mr. Rogers 2101
3) Buckled Up 2102
4) Any-Howe 2166
5) No-Howe 2185

The link to the spreadsheet should still work.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dover race results

JJ wins another one.  :)  Guess that's a record. Always a threat to win at Dover.

Speaking of threat to win, Buckled Up has been on quite the streak of late. They've had the low score of the week for the past 3 weeks. That's knocked Mr. Rogers out of second place and only 28 back from 1st.

Things could get interesting here. It was looking like MexyCan had things all locked up but not so much anymore.  :)  Always a bit of drama near the end but that just makes it interesting!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Points update

Finally got around to getting the points updated. Leave it up to Waltrip to screw things up, geesh!


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Atlanta results

The results have been posted from this past weekends race. No-Howe moves into the Top 5 with the Low Score of this weeks race.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Watkins Glen, Michigan and Bristol race updates

Well, it's been a while since I've done an update. Sorry about that, just been busy/lazy thru the last part of summer. But, we're caught up now and I'm hoping to be able to keep on top of things as we get closer to the chase and the end of the season.

'til next time...

Monday, August 26, 2013


Hey, been pretty busy and away for awhile. I'll get the scores updated this week. Thx for your patience!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pocono 400

Standings have been updated with Kasey Kahne winning the race.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Brickyard 400 results

Good to see a Hoosier boy win the race!

Standings have been updated.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

New Hampshire race results

Good to see Vickers back in the winners circle. Results have been posted...

*edit* had a problem uploading the spreadsheet, should be working now...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Kentucky and Sonoma results

Missed posting the Sonoma results last week so they'll be wrapped up into this weeks posting.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Michigan 400

Saw a bit of the race, mostly the end. Good run for Johnson to get to Biffle. Nice to see Greg win back to back races at Michigan.

Happy Fathers day to all my racer friends!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Party in the Poconos!

Haha, great race title.  :)   I remember the ads for the heart-shaped tubs, lol.

Anyway, results are posted. Tried to get it done quick this week. hehe

'til next week...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Fedex 400 @ Dover

Good to see Smoke finally get back in the winners circle. Guess Montoya had a chance but wasn't meant to be.

Dave finally relinquishes his lead by getting the high score for the race. Ouch! Results are posted.

Coca Cola 600

Oops! Missed this race, sorry 'bout that.

Jenny McCarl and MM and Me took a big hit with the high scores of the race. 128 points for each of them. They both fell out of the Top 5. Pipe Liner and Mr. Rogers took their place for this race.

Full results for the Dover race are shown...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Southern 500

Hi All,

A little late in posting the results. Everything should be updated now.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Talladega results

The big speedways always seem to shake up the standings a bit in both the real series and our pool. Nothing too crazy, it's just the big numbers that the superspeedways produce. Lots of wrecks means a lot of the usual suspects finish lower than expected. Guess that's what makes it exciting...

'til next week...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Richmond results

Short track racing and I missed it. Too bad, it's always entertaining watching the Nascar boys duke it out on a short track. Anyway, results have been posted.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kansas results

So the Kansas race is over and Matt Kenseth puts another win into the books.

Jenny's still holding onto her lead but it's noticeably smaller with Dave moving up with his low score of the race.

Look for more close finishes next week. 'til then...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Martinsville results

The scores have been updated. Jenny McCarl takes the lead. Damn...  :)

Still early in the season and still pretty close in the points. I'm sure we'll see a pretty tight battle the whole season long.

'til next week...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bristol results posted

Finally got some time, been a busy week for sure.

Anyway, glad to see I'm in the lead, lol. :D  Lucky picks.

I did take a quick look thru the results pages to see if anything looked out of place and everything seems to be adding up all right, so that's good.

Looks like Bristol got a few tempers flared, as usual. Makes things a bit  more interesting.

That's about it for now, 'til next week...

Monday, March 18, 2013


My Step-Mother passed away last week so I've been in Alabama with my Dad. Obviously I haven't had time to do anything with the results. I'll get things updated this week...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Las Vegas results

Watched a bit of the race, seemed like it was a pretty good one. Too bad for Kasey Kahne.

Results have been posted, let me know if any errors crop up. Still double checking the reports to make sure everything is adding up correctly. Looks good to me so far but it always helps to have other eyes on it. Thanks...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Standings update

Unfortunately there was a change over the off-season that I didn't pick up on. Kurt Busch and Regan Smith essentially swapped rides and I didn't notice. So the results page was wrong. Luckily someone was paying attention!

I got an e-mail that pointed out the mistake and it makes a pretty big adjustment. Sorry for that, glad we got it early.  :)

So, the standings have been corrected. I think I have all the right drivers in the right cars now. Thanks again to Danny for pointing out the error. Hopefully we're good to go for the rest of the season.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Phoenix results

So I'm going to try something different this year and post the results Sunday night.

Normally I'll wait until Nascar makes the results official on Monday and then I'd update the results. But Monday is pretty busy for me because that's my Sim race nite where I race sports cars in GTR2.

That means that I usually put off doing the results until later in the week which isn't really that good. People want to know how they're doing in the pool right away. So I'm going to try and get it done on Sundays. It's been a long time since Nascar has changed any finishing positions from the race so we should be good to use the results that are posted on Sunday.

Please keep in mind that the results will be subject to change based on Nascar making them official, usually on Mondays. Hope everybody is good with that!

So having said all that, on with the show!

Daytona results

Well here we are again with a new season upon us. All the picks have been submitted and now it's time to let the season run. Hopefully your favourite driver has started well at Daytona but if not, no need to worry. It's a really long season!

Good luck to everyone and I hope y'all have fun!