Tuesday, April 28, 2009

'Dega crashing

Wow, that was close. Glad to see that Edwards didn't go into the stands. That wouldn't have been any good.

It's always fun to see the boys tear up the cars in the "big ones" but you don't like to see the cars get up into the fencing near the spectators, that's for sure. Restrictor plate racing sucks at the best of times, Nascar is just lucky that no one was killed. I don't know what the fix is but they really need to do something to break the cars up a bit. Pack racing will end up killing a spectator sooner rather than later...

Anyway after all that, the standings have been updated. You know it was a weird race when the low score is a 76! So it's off to Richmond for this weekend and the start of May. Spring's in the air, here's hoping for some warmer weather.

'til next week...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Phoenix race

The standings have been updated. I never got a chance to watch the race so no comments this week.

'til next week...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sim racing

Well that was a blast! A group of us got together and did some sim racing. We don't have any nascar games so it's just road racing right now. We're playing GT Legends. It's a sim about the FIA championships so it's mostly European cars but there's lots of add-ons online which makes it that much more fun.

It covers the years 65-76 so there's lots of american muscle cars available. mostly from the trans-am type series. Mustangs, Camaros and Corvettes.

Always loved this paint job!

We've got headphones with mics on them and we recorded our race sessions. I've added a link if you want to have a good laugh at us having a good laugh! I do a lot of cursing so be forewarned, lol!!! Maybe if I did better I wouldn't swear so much? :) Link to audio clips

Here's one that's especially funny. Underwear

And finally another one of us right after a race. Race debrief

I found a way to capture the video so I'm going to try posting some of our race action. Should be fun, hope you enjoy it. If you do, leave a comment!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Texas results

Well Gordon finally won again, good for me! :) He's actually been pretty consistent this year. Hope his winning continues, now I just need some of my other drivers to start finishing better.

Mr. Rogers continues to hold the lead and I've finally made it back into the Top 5 after a long hiatus. We're still seeing a lot of changes in the standings as the season is still young. Next weekend is off and then we have 4 weeks straight. That should give us a good indication of who's going to be strong this year.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday, 'til next time...