Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Lookin' like Johnson's got it in the bag. It's a 3-peat. Damn impressive. Considering that the team looked like shit at the start of the year. All Hendricks' cars have sucked this year but the 48 team has persevered. Too bad I picked Gordon! Ah well, there's always next year. ;)

I wouldn't want to call a win yet for Mr. Rogers because it's never over.... but I think 3,4,5 are dukin' it out for position. Maybe Kate has a chance but that's it. Darrick is about a hundred points out with only 4 races left. There's just no way for him to make up that kind of ground. Nice try! Again, there's always next year, lol!

'til next week...

1 comment:

  1. Oh I have a chance alright....ok no I'm just flat out dillusional...damn you Denny and Kyle!!!!

