Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Not much changed this week. Pick Me's had low score two weeks in a row so he's now within 9 points of Marky Mark. gonna be a battle for third!

I watched a good bit of the race, it's crazy how the cars get better and worse thru the different runs. Oh well, guess that's why they have pit stops, so they can work on them and make them better throughout the race.

'til next week...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Lookin' like Johnson's got it in the bag. It's a 3-peat. Damn impressive. Considering that the team looked like shit at the start of the year. All Hendricks' cars have sucked this year but the 48 team has persevered. Too bad I picked Gordon! Ah well, there's always next year. ;)

I wouldn't want to call a win yet for Mr. Rogers because it's never over.... but I think 3,4,5 are dukin' it out for position. Maybe Kate has a chance but that's it. Darrick is about a hundred points out with only 4 races left. There's just no way for him to make up that kind of ground. Nice try! Again, there's always next year, lol!

'til next week...

Lowes speedway

Well, I missed posting the results for the Bank of America 500 so I'll post the top 5 (well 6) here.

Oct 11, 08
1) Mr. Rogers 2145
2) Steve Thorpe 2189
3) Marky Mark 2244
4) Pam 2260
5) Pick Me 2286
6) Kate 2297

Low Score
Mitty 39

High Score
Rolling Stoneszd 152

Monday, October 6, 2008


Wow. and I was gonna buy Goodyear tires, silly me!

Loyalty only goes so far until common sense should prevail, but we're talking NASCAR so common sense doesn't really apply. :) It's surprising how many times the Goodyear tires are blowing out during races. There's probably more to it than just the tires but it sure makes you wonder just how long Goodyear will continue on as tire supplier.

With all the wrecks there's a lot of big numbers. Hell, the low score is a 66! It didn't really change anything though. 'Pick Me' dropped two spots but the same 5 people are in it. There's a couple who might still sneak into the Top 5, but they're long shots at best. Right now Kate is in 6th place so I'll add her to the Top 5 standings and keep track of the 6th place finish until the end of the season. :)

Oh, one other thing, I don't know if anyone noticed but J.J. Yeley hasn't been driving for the last 5-6 races. I've still been scoring the 96 car but it seems like J.J. is not coming back to the 96 so I guess if anyone wanted to change their picks, they could as per the rules.

'til next week...