Sunday, September 21, 2014

New Hampshire race results

Well, Bettsie continues to kick everybody's ass. Looks like it's gonna be a showdown between Forceman and her. The next closest player is a hundred points away in third. that's a big gap to close. Not impossible but not very likely.

Here are the standings following the New Hampshire race:
Pos Players 9/6 Total 9/14 Total 9/21 Total 9/28 Total 10/5 Total
1) Bettsie 64 1820 43 1863 87 1950
2) Forceman 57 1894 50 1944 43 1987
3) Sassy Sammy 1 59 1959 40 1999 89 2088
4) Piston Broke 102 1959 56 2015 92 2107
5) Greaser 74 1964 60 2024 87 2111
6) Nana #8 75 1988 47 2035 95 2130
7) Buckle Up 50 2015 41 2056 84 2140
8) Eat My Dust 68 1997 53 2050 98 2148
9) MM and Me 73 2067 39 2106 73 2179
10) Mr. Rogers 82 2057 56 2113 72 2185
11) D. Carstens 112 1991 55 2046 140 2186
12) Moose 62 2038 61 2099 95 2194
13) Pipe Liner 58 2090 72 2162 75 2237
14) Danny Galea 91 2084 70 2154 91 2245
15) Mike Carstens 96 2083 40 2123 132 2255
16) Douglas Steeves 96 2098 72 2170 89 2259
17) Kelvinator 75 2104 59 2163 104 2267
18) MexyCan 72 2112 66 2178 90 2268
19) Bonnie Bunce 95 2111 75 2186 87 2273
20) John Houston 67 2158 66 2224 99 2323
21) Danny Bennet 74 2191 61 2252 77 2329
22) Wii-Texan 90 2163 54 2217 116 2333
23) Mikey 109 2190 66 2256 81 2337
24) Big Mike 78 2200 71 2271 106 2377
25) Pikachu 62 2183 109 2292 91 2383
26) Sassy Sammy 2 113 2221 61 2282 122 2404
27) Foxy Lady 67 2251 63 2314 92 2406
28) Pelirojo 100 2245 61 2306 108 2414
29) Rob France 89 2250 87 2337 80 2417
30) Dave 83 2278 63 2341 82 2423
31) Any-Howe 81 2251 66 2317 133 2450
32) No-Howe 114 2245 64 2309 149 2458
33) Ross Scully 122 2268 109 2377 86 2463
34) Ozzy 69 2288 93 2381 86 2467
35) Route 66 80 2284 71 2355 120 2475
36) Tex 61 2268 101 2369 106 2475
37) Linda 73 2350 77 2427 105 2532
38) David Smith 101 2335 72 2407 140 2547
39) Apache Pass 79 2441 89 2530 80 2610

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Chicagoland race results

Big update here. Finally made some time to catch up.

Unfortunately a tree fell on my car last week with the windstorm, so I've been busy with that. Still haven't got a car, so still a bit stressed. No one was hurt with the storm but it sure messed up a couple of cars. See if I can attach some pictures.

This is what my Lincoln looked like before:

This is what it looked like after a tree fell on it.

I like it a lot better without the tree on it.  :(

Anyway, been pretty distracted but I've got everything caught up. Down to the final 10 races, good luck everyone.

Here are the standings following the Chicagoland race:
Pos Players 9/6 Total 9/14 Total 9/21 Total 9/28 Total 10/5 Total
1) Bettsie 64 1820 43 1863
2) Forceman 57 1894 50 1944
3) Sassy Sammy 1 59 1959 40 1999
4) Piston Broke 102 1959 56 2015
5) Greaser 74 1964 60 2024
6) Nana #8 75 1988 47 2035
7) D. Carstens 112 1991 55 2046
8) Eat My Dust 68 1997 53 2050
9) Buckle Up 50 2015 41 2056
10) Moose 62 2038 61 2099
11) MM and Me 73 2067 39 2106
12) Mr. Rogers 82 2057 56 2113
13) Mike Carstens 96 2083 40 2123
14) Danny Galea 91 2084 70 2154
15) Pipe Liner 58 2090 72 2162
16) Kelvinator 75 2104 59 2163
17) Douglas Steeves 96 2098 72 2170
18) MexyCan 72 2112 66 2178
19) Bonnie Bunce 95 2111 75 2186
20) Wii-Texan 90 2163 54 2217
21) John Houston 67 2158 66 2224
22) Danny Bennet 74 2191 61 2252
23) Mikey 109 2190 66 2256
24) Big Mike 78 2200 71 2271
25) Sassy Sammy 2 113 2221 61 2282
26) Pikachu 62 2183 109 2292
27) Pelirojo 100 2245 61 2306
28) No-Howe 114 2245 64 2309
29) Foxy Lady 67 2251 63 2314
30) Any-Howe 81 2251 66 2317
31) Rob France 89 2250 87 2337
32) Dave 83 2278 63 2341
33) Route 66 80 2284 71 2355
34) Tex 61 2268 101 2369
35) Ross Scully 122 2268 109 2377
36) Ozzy 69 2288 93 2381
37) David Smith 101 2335 72 2407
38) Linda 73 2350 77 2427
39) Apache Pass 79 2441 89 2530

Richmond race results

Here are the standings following the Richmond race:
Pos Players 9/6 Total 9/14 Total 9/21 Total 9/28 Total 10/5 Total
1) Bettsie 64 1820
2) Forceman 57 1894
3) Piston Broke 102 1959
4) Sassy Sammy 1 59 1959
5) Greaser 74 1964
6) Nana #8 75 1988
7) D. Carstens 112 1991
8) Eat My Dust 68 1997
9) Buckle Up 50 2015
10) Moose 62 2038
11) Mr. Rogers 82 2057
12) MM and Me 73 2067
13) Mike Carstens 96 2083
14) Danny Galea 91 2084
15) Pipe Liner 58 2090
16) Douglas Steeves 96 2098
17) Kelvinator 75 2104
18) Bonnie Bunce 95 2111
19) MexyCan 72 2112
20) John Houston 67 2158
21) Wii-Texan 90 2163
22) Pikachu 62 2183
23) Mikey 109 2190
24) Danny Bennet 74 2191
25) Big Mike 78 2200
26) Sassy Sammy 2 113 2221
27) No-Howe 114 2245
28) Pelirojo 100 2245
29) Rob France 89 2250
30) Any-Howe 81 2251
31) Foxy Lady 67 2251
32) Ross Scully 122 2268
33) Tex 61 2268
34) Dave 83 2278
35) Route 66 80 2284
36) Ozzy 69 2288
37) David Smith 101 2335
38) Linda 73 2350
39) Apache Pass 79 2441

Atlanta race results

Here are the standings following the Atlanta race:
Pos Players 8/3 Total 8/10 Total 8/17 Total 8/23 Total 8/31 Total
1) Bettsie 94 1462 95 1557 83 1640 79 1719 37 1756
2) Forceman 37 1503 79 1582 83 1665 103 1768 69 1837
3) Piston Broke 90 1519 92 1611 85 1696 83 1779 78 1857
4) D. Carstens 100 1584 92 1676 84 1760 72 1832 47 1879
5) Greaser 93 1484 148 1632 66 1698 137 1835 55 1890
6) Sassy Sammy 1 73 1596 70 1666 95 1761 100 1861 39 1900
7) Nana #8 78 1600 83 1683 69 1752 94 1846 67 1913
8) Eat My Dust 77 1602 82 1684 74 1758 116 1874 55 1929
9) Buckle Up 65 1597 94 1691 99 1790 89 1879 86 1965
10) Mr. Rogers 112 1700 76 1776 78 1854 72 1926 49 1975
11) Moose 106 1579 127 1706 85 1791 98 1889 87 1976
12) Mike Carstens 98 1649 83 1732 113 1845 84 1929 58 1987
13) Danny Galea 106 1603 108 1711 95 1806 82 1888 105 1993
14) MM and Me 107 1547 123 1670 95 1765 137 1902 92 1994
15) Douglas Steeves 100 1629 93 1722 101 1823 121 1944 58 2002
16) Bonnie Bunce 114 1727 78 1805 85 1890 81 1971 45 2016
17) Kelvinator 94 1727 115 1842 49 1891 62 1953 76 2029
18) Pipe Liner 107 1649 127 1776 66 1842 83 1925 107 2032
19) MexyCan 142 1665 117 1782 106 1888 62 1950 90 2040
20) Wii-Texan 80 1677 107 1784 82 1866 156 2022 51 2073
21) Mikey 138 1743 70 1813 137 1950 46 1996 85 2081
22) John Houston 65 1723 116 1839 70 1909 84 1993 98 2091
23) Sassy Sammy 2 97 1800 57 1857 122 1979 78 2057 51 2108
24) Danny Bennet 81 1726 80 1806 96 1902 120 2022 95 2117
25) Pikachu 101 1696 135 1831 75 1906 83 1989 132 2121
26) Big Mike 104 1756 108 1864 82 1946 99 2045 77 2122
27) No-Howe 83 1854 64 1918 101 2019 64 2083 48 2131
28) Pelirojo 120 1753 73 1826 147 1973 82 2055 90 2145
29) Ross Scully 115 1794 69 1863 120 1983 73 2056 90 2146
30) Rob France 141 1816 91 1907 115 2022 56 2078 83 2161
31) Any-Howe 84 1900 83 1983 72 2055 65 2120 50 2170
32) Foxy Lady 121 1799 92 1891 118 2009 83 2092 92 2184
33) Dave 121 1712 113 1825 133 1958 145 2103 92 2195
34) Route 66 102 1804 157 1961 63 2024 115 2139 65 2204
35) Tex 105 1811 153 1964 78 2042 55 2097 110 2207
36) Ozzy 107 1716 132 1848 120 1968 131 2099 120 2219
37) David Smith 109 1906 97 2003 98 2101 56 2157 77 2234
38) Linda 129 1863 120 1983 121 2104 75 2179 98 2277
39) Apache Pass 66 2081 80 2161 54 2215 61 2276 86 2362