Sunday, April 27, 2014

Richmond results

Seemed like it was a good race. Typical race for me, watch the start, nap during the middle and wake up just in time to watch the finish! And that was a pretty exciting finish. I thought they would've wrecked a few more times but it was good to see them race to the finish with 20 to go.

I don't think we've had any big movers in the standings this week so;

Here are the standings following the Richmond race:
Pos Players 3/30 Total 4/6 Total 4/12 Total 4/26 Total 5/4 Total
1) Bettsie 73 357 59 416 50 466 81 547
2) D. Carstens 90 358 62 420 63 483 76 559
3) Douglas Steeves 79 415 57 472 54 526 76 602
4) Piston Broke 96 414 62 476 56 532 73 605
5) Greaser 66 392 84 476 78 554 64 618
6) MexyCan 65 435 69 504 59 563 78 641
7) Mikey 61 456 50 506 88 594 50 644
8) MM and Me 95 446 92 538 71 609 46 655
9) Moose 68 429 69 498 67 565 100 665
10) Mr. Rogers 59 432 71 503 97 600 74 674
11) Nana #8 72 475 89 564 67 631 54 685
12) Mike Carstens 59 460 79 539 88 627 62 689
13) Bonnie Bunce 73 467 76 543 67 610 88 698
14) Forceman 72 475 127 602 32 634 69 703
15) Eat My Dust 40 392 141 533 66 599 111 710
16) Sassy Sammy 1 52 422 125 547 63 610 100 710
17) Danny Galea 93 488 61 549 79 628 84 712
18) Wii-Texan 98 451 96 547 84 631 84 715
19) Rob France 71 502 73 575 57 632 91 723
20) Kelvinator 117 467 85 552 64 616 111 727
21) Buckle Up 85 534 70 604 62 666 68 734
22) Ross Scully 73 500 75 575 74 649 86 735
23) Pikachu 53 485 79 564 48 612 126 738
24) Dave 77 517 85 602 81 683 59 742
25) Pelirojo 48 489 117 606 73 679 70 749
26) Ozzy 77 518 53 571 75 646 112 758
27) Big Mike 84 465 115 580 71 651 116 767
28) Pipe Liner 89 499 79 578 78 656 111 767
29) Route 66 96 493 100 593 73 666 101 767
30) No-Howe 84 496 91 587 79 666 103 769
31) Sassy Sammy 2 65 527 83 610 86 696 75 771
32) John Houston 87 511 137 648 42 690 89 779
33) Linda 60 533 67 600 92 692 90 782
34) Tex 88 510 85 595 54 649 146 795
35) David Smith 57 504 92 596 115 711 84 795
36) Foxy Lady 44 500 135 635 72 707 97 804
37) Any-Howe 80 507 109 616 78 694 130 824
38) Danny Bennet 70 571 124 695 76 771 67 838
39) Apache Pass 105 657 109 766 95 861 93 954

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Darlington results

Not too much to say, didn't get a chance to watch the race fully. Hit the couch and was sleeping for the end... hate when that happens!

Here are the standings following the Darlington race:
Players 3/30 Total 4/6 Total 4/12 Total 4/26 Total 5/4 Total
Bettsie 73 357 59 416 50 466
D. Carstens 90 358 62 420 63 483
Douglas Steeves 79 415 57 472 54 526
Piston Broke 96 414 62 476 56 532
Greaser 66 392 84 476 78 554
MexyCan 65 435 69 504 59 563
Moose 68 429 69 498 67 565
Mikey 61 456 50 506 88 594
Eat My Dust 40 392 141 533 66 599
Mr. Rogers 59 432 71 503 97 600
MM and Me 95 446 92 538 71 609
Bonnie Bunce 73 467 76 543 67 610
Sassy Sammy 1 52 422 125 547 63 610
Pikachu 53 485 79 564 48 612
Kelvinator 117 467 85 552 64 616
Mike Carstens 59 460 79 539 88 627
Danny Galea 93 488 61 549 79 628
Wii-Texan 98 451 96 547 84 631
Nana #8 72 475 89 564 67 631
Rob France 71 502 73 575 57 632
Forceman 72 475 127 602 32 634
Ozzy 77 518 53 571 75 646
Ross Scully 73 500 75 575 74 649
Tex 88 510 85 595 54 649
Big Mike 84 465 115 580 71 651
Pipe Liner 89 499 79 578 78 656
No-Howe 84 496 91 587 79 666
Route 66 96 493 100 593 73 666
Buckle Up 85 534 70 604 62 666
Pelirojo 48 489 117 606 73 679
Dave 77 517 85 602 81 683
John Houston 87 511 137 648 42 690
Linda 60 533 67 600 92 692
Any-Howe 80 507 109 616 78 694
Sassy Sammy 2 65 527 83 610 86 696
Foxy Lady 44 500 135 635 72 707
David Smith 57 504 92 596 115 711
Danny Bennet 70 571 124 695 76 771
Apache Pass 105 657 109 766 95 861

Monday, April 7, 2014

Texas results

Well this race really scrambled things up. Eat My Dust dropped 7 places to wind up 10th. High score of the week will do that to you tho'.

Too bad it was a rain out, guess that happens.

Here are the standings following the Texas race:
Pos Players 3/30 Total 4/6 Total 4/12 Total 4/26 Total 5/4 Total
1) Bettsie 73 357 59 416
2) D. Carstens 90 358 62 420
3) Douglas Steeves 79 415 57 472
4) Greaser 66 392 84 476
5) Piston Broke 96 414 62 476
6) Moose 68 429 69 498
7) Mr. Rogers 59 432 71 503
8) MexyCan 65 435 69 504
9) Mikey 61 456 50 506
10) Eat My Dust 40 392 141 533
11) MM and Me 95 446 92 538
12) Mike Carstens 59 460 79 539
13) Bonnie Bunce 73 467 76 543
14) Sassy Sammy 1 52 422 125 547
15) Wii-Texan 98 451 96 547
16) Danny Galea 93 488 61 549
17) Kelvinator 117 467 85 552
18) Nana #8 72 475 89 564
19) Pikachu 53 485 79 564
20) Ozzy 77 518 53 571
21) Ross Scully 73 500 75 575
22) Rob France 71 502 73 575
23) Pipe Liner 89 499 79 578
24) Big Mike 84 465 115 580
25) No-Howe 84 496 91 587
26) Route 66 96 493 100 593
27) Tex 88 510 85 595
28) David Smith 57 504 92 596
29) Linda 60 533 67 600
30) Forceman 72 475 127 602
31) Dave 77 517 85 602
32) Buckle Up 85 534 70 604
33) Pelirojo 48 489 117 606
34) Sassy Sammy 2 65 527 83 610
35) Any-Howe 80 507 109 616
36) Foxy Lady 44 500 135 635
37) John Houston 87 511 137 648
38) Danny Bennet 70 571 124 695
39) Apache Pass 105 657 109 766