Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bristol results posted

Finally got some time, been a busy week for sure.

Anyway, glad to see I'm in the lead, lol. :D  Lucky picks.

I did take a quick look thru the results pages to see if anything looked out of place and everything seems to be adding up all right, so that's good.

Looks like Bristol got a few tempers flared, as usual. Makes things a bit  more interesting.

That's about it for now, 'til next week...

Monday, March 18, 2013


My Step-Mother passed away last week so I've been in Alabama with my Dad. Obviously I haven't had time to do anything with the results. I'll get things updated this week...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Las Vegas results

Watched a bit of the race, seemed like it was a pretty good one. Too bad for Kasey Kahne.

Results have been posted, let me know if any errors crop up. Still double checking the reports to make sure everything is adding up correctly. Looks good to me so far but it always helps to have other eyes on it. Thanks...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Standings update

Unfortunately there was a change over the off-season that I didn't pick up on. Kurt Busch and Regan Smith essentially swapped rides and I didn't notice. So the results page was wrong. Luckily someone was paying attention!

I got an e-mail that pointed out the mistake and it makes a pretty big adjustment. Sorry for that, glad we got it early.  :)

So, the standings have been corrected. I think I have all the right drivers in the right cars now. Thanks again to Danny for pointing out the error. Hopefully we're good to go for the rest of the season.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Phoenix results

So I'm going to try something different this year and post the results Sunday night.

Normally I'll wait until Nascar makes the results official on Monday and then I'd update the results. But Monday is pretty busy for me because that's my Sim race nite where I race sports cars in GTR2.

That means that I usually put off doing the results until later in the week which isn't really that good. People want to know how they're doing in the pool right away. So I'm going to try and get it done on Sundays. It's been a long time since Nascar has changed any finishing positions from the race so we should be good to use the results that are posted on Sunday.

Please keep in mind that the results will be subject to change based on Nascar making them official, usually on Mondays. Hope everybody is good with that!

So having said all that, on with the show!

Daytona results

Well here we are again with a new season upon us. All the picks have been submitted and now it's time to let the season run. Hopefully your favourite driver has started well at Daytona but if not, no need to worry. It's a really long season!

Good luck to everyone and I hope y'all have fun!