Friday, February 5, 2010

Daytona countdown

Hi all,

I wanted to update the driver pick list, Casey Mears is not in the 07 car this year. That team has been shut down. Casey has a 6 race deal with a new team starting this year.

Other than that, it's just over a week before the race so make sure you have your picks in early so that you get the drivers you want.


  1. Look out y,all...
    We have added a Texan influence this year
    MEXyCan, WIITexan and Buckle-up are all happy to follow along this year..
    Hope you are not snowed under.........

  2. Look out y,all...
    We have added a Texan influence this year
    MEXyCan, WIITexan and Buckle-up are all happy to follow along this year..
    Hope you are not snowed under.........

  3. Hey Y'all! Nice to see some new players, always willing to take some new money! ;)

    It's actually been a pretty mild winter so far, knock on wood. Don't imagine there's been too much snow in Texas. lol

    Anyway, take care y'all. ttyl
