Monday, April 7, 2008

Texas race

Hi all,

Standings have been updated. Steve Thorpe still holds top spot but Lew is climbing the ladder to take top spot from him! Mitty's been kicked off the island while Marky mark rolls in with the Race Day low score. D.A. sneaks in to the Top 5 for the first time. Lucky for me I took a shit kicking so now I'm not even in the Top 10. Fame is so fleeting...

Maybe it's just me but i've been enjoying both the cup races and the crapwagon races. Some good side by side racing with cars sliding all over the place. Hell, even formoola 1 is almost entertaining this year, what with their no traction control or drivers aides, the driver almost makes a difference now! Nice to see for a change, well except for Gordo not being able to drive a freakin' car!

The next race is at Phoenix and should be another good show. I've always liked this track. Should get the IndyCars back there! It's a nice flat oval and always tests the drivers, so good luck to them!

'til next week...


  1. How is it possible that Jimmie and Jr had good cars and Gordo's was so crappy? I mean really now...I have to admit, it must be my fault...I don't like him and I picked him this year. That's exactly what it is.
    The other highlight of the weekend, McDowell and that crash on Fri was pretty crazy. I still can't believe he walked away from that. I don't care how buckled in you are, the internal organs aren't. How did he not knock himself unconcious? That was a crazy speed into the wall...


  2. I get a #2 and #3 finish and the rest of my team S**T's the bed!!
    I might get a sniper after Sadler
    S=> SLOW
    A=> AND
    D=> DUMB
    L=> LOSE
    E=> EVERY
    R=> RACE
