Friday, February 26, 2021

Daytona road race result

 Well, pretty strange to see the NASCAR cars on the road course at Daytona but it's a new year, right? Having said that, it was a pretty entertaining race with comers and goers and lots of action throughout the field.

Also, another first time winner in NASCAR with Christopher Bell winning in his 2nd race with Joe Gibbs racing. Looks like the kid might do okay!

Here are the standings following the Daytona road race:

Daytona race result

 Well, here we go!

Daytona is always good for an upset, so it was nice to see McDowell score his first win after 357 races across 13 seasons. He must really like racing to race that long without winning...

Anyhoo, lots of big crashes and I'm sure a lot of peoples favourite drivers got taken out but that's the nature of the superspeedway racing. We see the same thing at Talladega. So, don't get too worried if things didn't start for your drivers quite like you wanted. It's a long season and there's lots of time to get better results.

Here are the results from the Daytona race:

2021 Drivers Picks

Hello players!

We've got another exciting year of NASCAR racing to look forward to and here's hoping that everybody's favourite driver has a great year!

We lost a few players and gained a few more and ended up with two extra people, so welcome to them. I'd like to apologize to the players that had special characters in their player names. Unfortunately my spreadsheet doesn't like the number sign or apostrophes in the names. So I've had to modify the players names to conform. That means Left Turnin' and #9's my neighbor had to get their names adjusted.

The list of Driver Picks are posted in the link below so everyone can see all the picks and be sure that there are no duplicates.

2021 Driver Picks

Nascar has a very long season, so I don't always get the regular season standings updated every week. Sometimes I might even miss a few weeks in a row. But, once the playoffs start I'll always make sure to get the standings updated weekly and hopefully on Sunday night. No promises on the Sunday night thing though, lol.

If anyone has any questions or comments, you can comment on the posts or my email is in my contact info down below. If there are any errors in the spreadsheet, please email me or you can contact Daryl, his number is on the driver groups page that you used to make your picks.

Again, thanks for joining the pool, we hope you have fun following your favourite drivers, and good luck to everyone!