Friday, October 29, 2010

Status update

Hi all,

I've finally found a program that I can use to complete the results! Now I have to catch up for the last couple of weeks. Hopfully I'll have that done before this weekends race.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

race update

Hi all,

I had a bit of technical difficulty last week. My hard drive crashed. I was able to save the files for our pool but I don't have a copy of office right now to be able to do this past weeks results.

If anybody has a copy of Office 2000 or later that I could 'borrow', please e-mail me or get a hold of Daryl and he can call.

I'm searching for a copy as well so hopefully I'll have something worked out before too long.

Monday, October 11, 2010

California 400

Hi Gang,

The standings have been updated. No change in the Top 5.

'til next week...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Kansas 400

Good to see the chase points close up some instead of the 48 just running away with it.

Sonia Smith got the low score of the race but it just tightened up the Top 5 a little more. Still could be anybodies win. Steve's only 50 points ahead, can anyone catch him before it's too late?

'til next week...