Monday, September 27, 2010

Dover results

No-Howe had a good race and moved up two spots to take 3rd place. Both Sonia Smith and Tex drop one place but stay in the Top 5. There's actually a tie for 5th place between Tex and Wii-Texan, who also had the low score of the race.

Tight points race from 2nd on back. It looks like Steve Thorpe has a pretty comfortable lead with a 72 point margin but you can never tell.

'til next week...

Monday, September 20, 2010

New Hampshire race

Here we go, first race of the chase, 9 more to go. Sucks to be Tony Stewart...wouldn't want to be his crew chief explaining why he ran out of gas!

Standings didn't change any, still the same Top 5.

'til next week...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Richmond results

Well, here we go. On to the chase, zzzzz. :)

Good night for Coach Gibbs. I don't think things changed too much in the standings...

'til next week...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Atlanta race results

Almost forgot about posting the results!

No-Howe didn't have a good result and has dropped out of the Top 5, for now. Kramer sneaks in and takes 5th spot...

'til next week...