Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bristol Race results

Well how 'bout that Kyle Busch? Sweep of all three races in one weekend. Pretty amazing, really. That's a lot of racing!

Our standings haven't changed much again, I'm back in the Top 5 and that's about it. Told ya it wouldn't be long... :)

'til next time...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Michigan results

Harvick wins the race and secures a spot in the chase. Good for him, I guess. Guess I should've picked him, eh? :)

The results have been posted. I got booted off the island, for now...

'til next week...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Watkins Glen

Sounds like it was a real barn-burner of a race! Good for Montoya to get a win but it sure would be nice to see him win on an oval. He can do it, just has to have the planets align for him or something...

No-Howe took a beating in the standings this week. He went from 1st to 3rd with a score of 107, ouch! Steve Thorpe and him swapped spots. Not much else has changed aside from that.

'til next week...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pocono race

Wow, that was a huge wreck that Elliott Sadler had! You know that had to hurt when it rips the engine off the front of the car! Wow!

No real big changes in the standings this week, Tex sneaks into the Top 5. Oh wait, that's me! :D It was really low scoring this week so it didn't seem to really mix things up too much.

Watkins Glen should mix things up a bit in the standings! Always entertaining when they go there!

'til next week...