Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The results are official for the race and our results have been posted. I received the new drivers picks from Dave so those picks have been updated as well. Dave went with Montoya instead of Kvapil and Eat My Dust picked Elliot Sadler.

'til next week...

Monday, March 23, 2009


Hey all,

The official results have been posted at Nascar.com so our standings have now been updated. Not too much to comment on. It looks like Travis Kvapil is out of a ride, so Eat my dust and Dave will have to pick a new driver as the #28 car is not running either. Let myself or Daryl know what the new picks are before the next race, please.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Hey all, the standings have been updated. I never got a chance to watch the race, so no comments other than what the hell was that crewmember thinking chasing that tire?!? Stupid ass...

'til next time...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Las Vegas

That was a strange ending to the race. That late race caution for Gordon's tire popping really screwed up a lot of drivers races. It really mixed up our standings as well. Easy to tell when the low score is 62! Anyway, everything is all updated and posted. We almost have a new Top 5 because of this race.

'til next week...