Monday, August 18, 2008


Quite the day for Roush racing!

Results posted. Not much change in positions. boring stuff... :)

'til next time...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Watkins Glen

So that's eight wins for the kid this year. Couldn't watch the race cuz of the Olympics. Oh well.

Umm, Mr. Rogers victory was short-lived! :D Kicked off the top spot so soon, enjoy it while it lasts! We had a three way tie for our race day low score! That's a first!

Congrats to Tasha, Dave and Mike T. :thumbsup:

'til next week...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Man, I hate computers and stuff...

I was all done with my post and went to save...yup, didn't work. Lost all that I had. Bah!

Oh well, so the Top 5 got mixed up a bit. Congrats to Mr. Rogers! First time, I believe. Someone finally shuffled Steve and Kate off the top steps.

I didn't watch the race so no comment there, we're off to Watkins Glen this weekend. Watch out for the "Road Course Specialist". I read where the Big 3 want more road races in Nascar. What do you think about that? Is road racing in Nascar good or bad? Cast a vote in the new poll.

'til next week...